About No. 1

I have been silently writing this list in my head for a long time now.

I have been silently writing this list in my head for a long time now.

It would be nice to tick each box now and also at the end of 2021, as having achieved all these things. There is more to the list as well. But firstly, about number 1 - Write each day.

I want to do this for no reason other than I love writing. The craft, the people, the podcasts I listen to about doing this as a career. All of the above interest me.

But here’s the thing.

Because I’m writing right now about writing, I am feeling the pressure to entertain you the reader, and that’s not why I’m here. Not today. Today I just want to write. To say whatever comes to my mind. Just like I do with my journal.

Writing with abandon - as in my journal - is bliss. There’s nothing to prove to anyone. Can you relate to that feeling?

I do care that what I’m saying when I write in my journal is relevant to the happenings in my life, so that when I read back on it, my words will paint a clear picture of where I was and what was going on. But the abandon, well, is abandoned when I come to writing a blog post. Instantly I have a different voice. It’s something I’d like to work on, if I could just figure out how.

This blog post is just some quick, honest words. It’s my attempt at writing in a voice I’d more likely use in a 15 minute scribble in my journal, having my coffee, sitting on my balcony. It’s far from perfect but it’s where I’m at so this is what I’m sharing.

Have a lovely day and a great weekend.

Sue Girardi

Photographer and writer. Happy.


What We’re Called To Do


Who’s Boss?